One of the subjects we talk about a lot in esthetics school is determining whether a person has dry skin, or dehydrated skin.
Essentially, dry skin is lacking in natural oil, and dehydrated skin is lacking in water. Dry skin is usually genetic, it is a skin type, and responds very well to topical treatments like creams and lotions. Dehydrated skin can feel tight and look flaky, and many people mistake this skin condition for dry skin. Dehydrated skin can be normal & dehydrated and oily & dehydrated. Dehydrated skin must be combatted from the inside, as well as the outside. Of course both dry and dehydrated skin benefit greatly from deep cellular hydration, but dehydrated skin cannot be remedied without it. If you are not sure what your skin type and/or conditions are, visit your local esthetician to have them take a closer look. (If you are in VT. go see Eros Bongiovanni in Montpelier, she is excellent! If you are in Los Angeles, come see me! Email me for an appointment.)
There are two ways that I love to hydrate my body, and they are both very effective.
First, coconut water.
Pure coconut water (not to be mistaken for coconut milk, the kind used in thai food) is naturally full of electrolytes and will hydrate you much more quickly than a bottle of water. It contains about 70 calories per bottle, but is fat free.
I use this as a base for my green smoothies most of the time, but if I'm really feeling parched, I'll drink it on its own.
Doctors will feed coconut water to people who are severely dehydrated as a way to hydrate them very quickly.
I'd replace all gatorade and pedialyte with coconut water as a much more healthful, and sugar free option!
Up next, Physica ReHydrate Tincture.
Physica Energetics are an amazing line of homeopathic remedies that I was turned onto while living in Carmel, Indiana. I met with a fabulous naturopath there who uses them for all of her clients.
One of the products they make is a tincture that you add to your bottled water to help your body better absorb and hold onto the water more easily. I add about 10 drops of ReHydrate Tincture to every bottle of water I drink.
Visit to find a retailer. If you are living in Los Angeles, they sell the line at the little independent vitamin shop in the Malibu Ralphs shopping plaza. (That place also makes incredible raw food treats, sells Dr. Hauschka and every vitamin and supplement on the planet! I highly recommend their coconut smoothies!)
Other quick suggestions? Eat loads of watermelon and cucumber for extra hydration.
So keep your skin healthy and glowing this summer and hydrate!
P.S. I love these tips from the gorgeous and fabulous Tata Harper for her favorite summer drink, sure to keep you all a-glow.
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