Friday, June 17, 2011


I have often had friends and strangers compliment me on my eyelashes. It's very flattering indeed! But I have to admit, these babies have taken a bit of work. So I would love to share with you all just how to achieve your longest, healthiest most gorgeous lashes, completely naturally!
Let me quickly say that unless you are going through health issues that cause your eyelashes to fall out, I do not believe anyone should be using products like "Latisse." (Shame on you, Claire Danes!! Promoting harmful products to people who don't need them...)Those lash growing formulas are only for people who truly have a medical condition.

First, an eyelash curler can do you wonders! Here are my 3 favorites...
#1 Paula Dorf Eyelash Curler
$18 but has replaceable cartridges. My favorite of ALL time! (If you are in VT, finds yours at Mirror, Mirror in Burlington)
#2 Shu Uemera eyelash curler. 
Pretty great, but does NOT have replaceable cartridges, so bummer for them! Too wasteful to be my #1. $19 
#3 Good old Revlon. For those on a tight budget, I think it's $7 and it DOES have replaceable cartridges. It's my last pick because  it's a tad easier to pinch the delicate area around the eye with this one, but as a last minute fix it works pretty well.

How to curl: Place the eyelash curler at the base of your eyelashes and clamp down gently, hold of 3 seconds. Move the curler out toward the ends of your eyelashes in tiny increments, and stop to clamp along the way. The idea is that you want your eyelashes to curl in a smooth curl, not stick up at a 90 degree angle.

Second suggestion for long lashes: Biotin (vitamin B7).

Take 5 mg. of this vitamin with your green smoothie daily and notice your hair grow healthier and faster within 3 weeks! It also strengthens your nails and is great for your skin.

Third magic lash lengthening suggestion: Dr. Hauschka Volumizing Mascara. I have used this mascara non-stop for 3 years. It honestly gives your lashes catwalk volume and length, but it is packed with vitamins for healthy lashes! Better than Diorshow, BadGalLash and Great Lash put together.
 I admit, at $30 it's an investment. But it is more than a mascara, it is a lash treatment! 

You might just end up looking like this

Do you have any other tips for lash growing naturally? I want to hear them! Leave me your comments below...

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